

Display a list of colors.



Basic usage

Colors via attribute:

<color-scale space="oklch" colors="#e3fafc, #c5f6fa, #99e9f2, #66d9e8, #3bc9db"></color-scale>

You can also give them optional names:

<color-scale space="oklch" colors="
	Gray 50: #f9fafb,
	Gray 100: #f3f4f6,
	Gray 200: #e5e7eb,
	Gray 300: #d1d5db,
	Gray 400: #9ca3af,
	Gray 500: #6b7280,
	Gray 600: #4b5563,
	Gray 700: #374151,
	Gray 800: #1f2937,
	Gray 900: #111827,
	Gray 850: #1a202c

You can only specify your core colors, and insert steps via interpolation:

<color-scale colors="#e3fafc, #0b7285" steps="4" space="oklch"></color-scale>

If you have more than 2 colors listed, this will insert steps between each pair.

Customizing the color swatches

Under the hood, <color-scale> generates and uses a series of <color-swatch> elements.

You can specify the info attribute to show additional information about the colors, and it will be passed to the generated <color-swatch> instances:

<color-scale space="oklch" info="L: oklch.l, C: oklch.c, H: oklch.h"
             colors="#e3fafc, #c5f6fa, #99e9f2, #66d9e8, #3bc9db"></color-scale>

You can also create compact color scales, by simply setting --details-style: compact:

<color-scale space="oklch" info="L: oklch.l, C: oklch.c, H: oklch.h"
             style="--details-style: compact"
             colors="#e3fafc, #c5f6fa, #99e9f2, #66d9e8, #3bc9db"></color-scale>

Issue: How to make them focusable??


To install all color elements, check out the instructions on the homepage. The rest of this section is about using only <color-scale>.

The quick and dirty way is straight from the CDN (kindly provided by Netlify):

<script src="https://elements.colorjs.io/src/color-scale/color-scale.js" type="module"></script>

or in JS:

import "https://elements.colorjs.io/src/color-scale/color-scale.js";

If you are using npm to manage your dependencies, you can import it via:

import "color-elements/color-scale";


import { ColorScale } from "color-elements";